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  • Writer's pictureHelen King

Unleash the Joy: Personal Style & Cancer with Emma John

Emma John used dopamine dressing to help navigate the challenge of a breast cancer diagnosis.

Emma John, an Auckland-based personal stylist and founder of Sisterhood of Style, is passionate about using fashion to create joy in everyday life. Her journey through menopause, cancer, and personal growth has only strengthened her belief in the power of dressing up and dopamine dressing. As someone who has experienced the transformative effects of fashion firsthand, Emma shares her insights and wisdom with women seeking to elevate their lives through style.

Cancer, fine, you got me, you got me good. But you are not coming into 2023. Emma John

Bringing colour to the chemo room

Emma was already juggling a bustling life when a breast cancer diagnosis completely upended her world. As she navigated through the daunting journey of chemotherapy and surgeries, Emma found solace in the power of dressing up and using color and pattern to bring joy to her life. This practice, often called dopamine dressing, became an essential tool for her during her darkest days, allowing her to regain control and find moments of happiness.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Navigate post-cancer recovery by understanding fatigue, migraines, and essential lifestyle alterations.

  • Enhance your mood and confidence through the power of personal style, dopamine dressing, and vibrant colors and patterns.

  • Learn the impact of social media in spreading cancer awareness, promoting preventive measures, and utilizing your platform to seek help and share experiences.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Get tested for cancer regularly, mainly through mammograms.

  • Perform self-examinations on the first of every month.

  • Seek support and advice from others who have experienced cancer, such as through online communities or support groups.

  • Consider adjusting your work schedule to accommodate post-treatment fatigue and other side effects.

  • Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, to aid in post-treatment recovery and overall well-being.

  • Work on finding a balance between control and acceptance in your life post-cancer.

  • Experiment with dopamine dressing and wearing outfits that make you feel good, particularly on difficult days.

  • Engage in conversations with others in similar situations, such as fellow cancer patients or survivors, to build connections and support networks.

  • Practice self-care and prioritize your well-being, both physically and emotionally.

  • Consider writing about your experiences or sharing your story with others through social media, blogs, or other platforms to raise awareness and support others going through similar journeys.

Check out Emma's website or follow her on Instagram

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